During an interview with Asheville Citizen-Times reporter Adam Behsudi yesterday evening, my husband Jonas was informed that the APD has plans to possibly change his charges. Apparently they want to charge him with a state charge concerning endangering motorists. How is a motorist endangered by cardboard? We have yet to hear from APD concerning this matter. What's next, a terrorism charge?
Certainly they are trying to quell any dissent in Asheville and across the country. Their terror tactics will not stop many. Although slightly filled with trepidation, I will return to the Haywood Road bridge this morning. I will use a sign just like the one my husband used on Wednesday, but I have attached a cord to hang across my neck and help support the sign. There is no possible way that this sign could fall on the road. But then again, my husband's sign was also supported in a way that it would not fall on the road. He's a tall man and can handle holding a cardboard sign without dropping it.
Please join us Tuesday night at the West Asheville Library on Haywood Road at 6:30PM. We will discus how our civil liberties are being threatened across the country, not just here in River City. We do have Trouble, right here in River City. With a capital T, that rhymes with P, which stands for Patriot Act!
I've found it a lot more effective to simply place signs (safely, securely) over and along the peripheries of freeways in major urban areas. This eliminates having to deal with cops, who can't all be expected to understand the nuances of first amendment rights. If a cop sees something happening out of the ordinary, he's inclined to want to stop it, particularly if it espouses a political belief at odds with his own. When a cop stops you it's important to go along with everything he says in as cheerful and cooperative a manner as possible.
Please talk to your local chapter of the ACLU or National Lawyer's Guild ASAP on this matter. Yours, Scarlet P. (4,985 signs placed on freeways without arrest.)
"I've found it a lot more effective to simply place signs (safely, securely) over and along the peripheries of freeways in major urban areas."
Freewayblogger, do you care to share your techniques?
I appear on the live URTV show "Matt Howard Live", which is on at 5 PM on Saturday (so, today.) If you would like to appear, the studio is at:
31 College Pl
Asheville, NC 28801
(828) 255-8848
The freewayblogger has a very informative website with techniques outlined. Give it a google.
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